Friday, 31 October 2014

A Conservation Area made permanent

Threats from overexploited fisheries, non-sustainable forest practices and increasing development  Palauans to recognize that action must be taken to protect their environment for future generations due to a critical balance between the need to use their natural resources today and the need to sustain those for future.

Palau’s government has taken towards to protect their natural resources with the creation of a comprehensive Protected Areas.

One of the last MADE PERMANENT has been: The Ngederrak Conservation Area, which includes a inner lagoon, sea grass beds, coral reef, channels, and a critical nursery habitat for many kinds of juvenile reef fish and provides a very important feeding place for the endangered and vulnerable species of dugong.

In Palau we have the world’s most isolated population of this relative of the manatee.

An Adult Dugong
Protecting this area will mean juvenile fish can grow and move to other areas outside the conservation area.
The legal restrictions are no fishing, no disturbance, no boats in approximately 5.8 square km in size. It is located to the southeast of Malakal Harbour in Koror
Our help is really important, for example being a volunteer to take part in conversations activities, report violations, respect the boundaries of the area.
Others Conservation Areas are: Ngerukewid,  Ngerumekaol, Ngemelis.

Palau thanks to his biodiversity and beauty is name as one of the  “Seven underwater wonders of the wold” 

Taking care of the ocean, we are taking care of us!

Monday, 27 October 2014

A Spanish affair about Life in Palau and Solitude One!

Our Cruise Director, Silvia Perez has been blogging on her life in Palau! It's in Spanish but I am sure non-spanish readers will find a way to enjoy it as well! -

English Blog.. will soon follow!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

See you at DEMA 2014!

Solitude will be attending and presenting its flagship Solitude One at DEMA this year which will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada USA (19 to 22 Nov 2014) ! You can find us at Booth 423. Andrew and Sol will be there to promote Solitude and diving in Palau!

If you would like to make prior appointment to meet them, please do not hesitate to write to andrew [at] solitude-liveaboards. com

More more information on DEMA Show -